Monday, May 10, 2010

Info = Entertainment?

Only to the intellectually lazy. Here is a Fox News story of how Barack Obama is warning Virginia college grads that there is too much information out there, and technology is undermining democracy. Funny, since he embraced technology to appeal to these same students during his campaign. Lamenting the "pressure" that instant information exchange is putting on democracy, he warned against the perils of blogs, Twitting, and other social media.

Yeah, I am sure that he would want to warn against that. Apart from talk radio, which is under constant attack to be made "more fair" (keep in mind that "fair" to a liberal is all for them, none for you) social networking and blogging are some of the only mediums that are freely accessible to the right. This speech is a thinly veiled condemnation of American's most cherished right...Free Speech. But this moronic address does something far more is an attack on technology itself, one thing that liberals detest, since technology, even if used for entertainment, not enlightenment, frees people. We can travel, get information, challenge our leaders, and live longer all more efficiently than even just 2-3 generations ago.

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